Wednesday 1 January 2014

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 19th

This is your month and a time to shine. The winter suits you and if born after January 2nd your communication and intellectual skills are at a peak. People are listening.

For all born between January 3rd and 18th the power of love and harmony is strong  and in fact it is a time, because Venus is retrograde, when you have to dig and find what really matters in love. It not about ego and superficiality; it is about profundity and wisdom and giving to others with an honest heart. It is also a time when the arts and creativity are inspiring, and you are also receiving benefits from some that are valuable indeed and not in a material way.

Mars however is simultaneously on the warpath a little for those born January 2nd to 15th. There are some at work who maybe weighing a touch heavy on you and you may also be a little forceful. Either way, you need to exercise more patience and don’t push the river. If people are being unreasonable, deal with it calmly and without volatility.

However if born January 3rd to 8th this group have Jupiter really bringing the cavalry to town, bringing love, affection and advantages from others, particularly from a foreign connection or who are very wise. Relationships are flourishing and growing and new ones are coming in. It is also an excellent time for travel. The only danger or downside is a little OTT behaviour.

Saturn by contrast for those born January 10th to 14th, is bringing a note of austerity. Saturn your ruler is bringing discipline, care and caution. You have to be responsible and serious towards friends, and obligations upon you when working in a group situation really matter.

If born December 31st to January 2nd Uranus is in his last month affecting your Sun. After a year of some chaos, unpredictability, uncertainty and restlessness, you begin to glimpse what this has been about and significant liberations emerge, compared to this time last year.

The new Moon on the 1st suggests that all born round January 2nd will be in the mood for a new start then, and on the full Moon 16th, all born around January 16th will feel then, that truths faced are healthier than keeping them locked up.

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